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The story of "Inferno Gate"

The game begins in a mysterious land where is rich in resources called Heaven gates, A land full of Varity of races including soldiers and superheroes, all kind and peaceful, a land full of minerals and raw materials. heaven gates had four gates to other worlds, the three gates north, south and west were the places of trade and traffic of tourists, Businessmen and citizens, but the east was the place of demons, the eastern gate must always be closed, more than 1000 years ago, a sweetheart witch named “Hash” defined a border between the Heaven and the Inferno and became its guard. Hash had two children named “Din” and “Elm”. At the end of his life, Hash entrusted him with guarding the gate and made him his successor and bequeathed to Din to always be Elm's friend and protector, but Din went berserk and made a pact with the worst demons named Sheik, but all the people of Heaven Gate They were immaculate so they couldn’t sin, as a result he sold his soul to gain the power to lie, din told elm that he was sick and needed drink from the eternal spring to heal, elm went for water and din used the opportunity to open the gate. domineering Demons, insatiable, destructive and ominous, who kill every living thing And they destroy every village, they found a way to heaven gate, now the fire of the war flames get closer to our land, shadows of hell have been appeared, a nightmare of hell and conflict, now everyone is forced to fight with demons for their survival and the land, in this battle only the strongest can hope to survive. Now it's your turn, fire sparks are calling you, build your army of different races, make weapons and equip your soldiers, team up with your friends, enter hell and fight with demons.

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Yes, our game has a very simple registration process, which starts by downloading the game from reliable markets and pressing the registration button and ends successfully in just a few seconds.

No, there are no restrictions in this field and you can enjoy the game at any age.

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